Primal Patterns provides every athlete that walks in with a unique experience. Starting from a detailed sports screening and comprehensive fitness testing, the athlete is oriented into the the scientific practices of load monitoring, sports-specific training and conditioning. The program is designed based on the reports of the screening and testing by the S&C coach in lias with the physiotherapist who screens the athlete. A meal plan is also prescribed to suit the requirement of the athlete after a consultation with our in-house nutritionist.
The service we offer for an athlete is customized based on the needs and availability of the athlete.
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I'm a professional tennis player with over 25 years in the circuit. I have had several injuries in my career and been to many rehab programs across the globe and can say with confidence Primal Patterns is one of the best experience I had
Primal patterns are the best, most advanced enterprise for Strength and Conditioning, Injury Rehab and Holistic Fitness. They are about 20 years ahead of anyone else in India. Primal Patterns is the backbone of my career as a first-class cricketer. Viva primal
I ended the season with a gold medal besting my personal record by 4 seconds. It's always about team work and my team consisted of the best physio and trainer I could ever ask for.